Don’t be an Idiot
One of the lessons about maintaining wellbeing that I like to share with my clients is to not be an idiot (and yes, that’s the clean version!). While this message creates great mirth, I was asked in one of my recent sessions – what do I mean? One of the first things...
Why are we afraid of good news?
So, there I was standing at the men’s urinal reflecting on the last presentation I had heard at the conference I was due to speak at. The international speaker’s essential theme was that due to climate change, the dry conditions, the Australian dollar and the state of...
Slay the Negativity Demon
How can some people be so negative? How do they justify being negative and criticising? The person in the grocery line is taking too much time paying… The driver in front of me is driving at 60KPM in a 60KPM zone – but I feel inconvenienced! Even the person who gives...
Fall In Love Again.
Love is boring. Love is not that dramatic image of fireworks and sparks. It’s not that moment when you feel flushed and your heart rate increases – unless of course you are a Broncos supporter. It’s not about the magic of that moment when everything goes “bang” and...
Life has to be lived.
Oh my goodness, what just happened!? What was all that stuff about Easter eggs and those holidays? Surely the Easter Bunny came too early? After all, Santa Claus, his missus and the elves just finished their mighty duty and only started settling Rudolf and the...
Bad things happen…
Who has had enough? Had enough of all the bad news? Climatic challenges are heavy – the cyclones, droughts, bushfires, pathetic role modelling by our so-called senior politicians and community leaders, increasingly poor economic news, crime rates, suicides, domestic...
Rise Up
I write this article from a hotel room in Wagga Wagga after working with a community experiencing extreme drought. I am very conscious that many people who are reading this are recovering from indescribable tragedy as a result of the “once in a 100 year” rain event in...
Live Life “Large” in 2019
How big is your world? If it isn’t at all, may I suggest for 2019 that you live your life as large as possible! Just prior to Christmas on the other side of the world, I was having a discussion with a young couple who were like any young couple - full of ambition,...
Release the anchor!
“Lose weight, join a gym, get a new job, spend more time with the children…” How many of these sounds familiar? It’s that great time of year where we all look forward to the coming year and set resolutions for ourselves. Yet, like gym memberships, I wonder how many...
Surviving Christmas…
December is a hectic time for us all – at a professional and personal level. It is a time where things need to get done “before Christmas”. So, it is worth taking some time out to reflect on some hints for getting yourself through the Christmas period. Be safe: There...
How to Slow Down Time
Where has this year gone? Are you feeling like you’re on a treadmill that seems to be speeding up? Do the time gaps between annual events such as birthdays, holidays, Christmas, Easter and the Melbourne Cup get smaller and...
What is your special gift?
“So, what is your special gift?” I asked my client, trying to get herself out of her negative “funk”. Her reply was typical of the many people going through a tough time – “I haven’t got any. There is nothing special about me – I am just a normal person!” Stop right...